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My favorite pictures

Pictures & things 

just me

alp catfish--what a whopper! this guy is in the pond now!

New York Pizza---Ray's favorite!

John & Taeya (2nd litter of kittens on the way!)

cotten & Austin

Codies dolphin face

Codie & Austin on the four-wheeler

Ninny's birthday party

kissin cousins!

my 2 monkeys

baby "Thomas", such a looker at 1 month!

Sammie all fluffed up

Six Flags 2003

my Butterfly garden project spring 2003 at moms house

baby Katfish

my littlest angel

baby Taeya

New Blackberry garden

excavation of the pond spring 2004

My old barn....I love it!!

Turner Falls vacation

a little "Suanne wannabe" she's got my boots on!

uncle Johns snuggle bug

my Rain-lilly smells awesome too!


Sammie 9 months old

God luvs us so much!

my favorite interrrupted